Astrology, Events

A Perfect Night to say, “I Do”

Last night, I got to watch two beautiful people place a ring on each other’s finger.

The Ceremony started at 7:30 pm CDT. People find inspiration in many places; the chart for that moment inspires me.

There are a number of charts that one can cast on a relationship. A wedding is one that represents a chosen moment. So do you think the time and place chosen contains symbolic breadcrumbs like the rings they wear on their fingers?


The chart features Sagittarius rising and the rising sign colors the whole chart. It may not be the greater purpose, but it does represent a theme…in this case joy. You could see it on their faces, smiling and giggling the whole way through the ceremony and celebration.

Jupiter, which shown brightly in the sky that evening, shows up home in the 9th house. As a pair, these two will teach by example—shining the light of their love and joy for all to see. They have been an inspiration to me already!

FullSizeRender 5The setting Gemini sun lands in the 7th house. This makes the marriage half Gemini, half Libra.

Look at the symbol for Gemini (shown left). Notice that it contains symmetry left-to-right, but also up-to-down. It is a single symbol constructed from two whole parts…same as a marriage. It also resembles an equal sign on its side.

A Gemini partnership is shoulder-to-shoulder, like the newlywed walking down the aisle holding hands. They look and travel separate but parallel paths…close enough to share intimacy, yet each will see the world from a slightly different vantage.FullSizeRender 5

The Libra partnership is face-to-face: “I see you.” “You see me.” “I look upon you with love and affection.” Do you think this picture (right) shows a bit of that?

The 7th and 8th houses are full of fun and dynamic points…all the things you want to see there. Gemini does not like boring, and I think these two intend to not ever be bored in each other’s presence.

I am surprised to see only one planet in the 5th house, but it is Uranus, so I’m sure there will be a surprise in that arena. We’ll have to revisit that house another time. Their marriage has just started, so let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. (Can you guess or remember what that house is about?)

The Aquarius moon (11o 22’) sits in the 3rd house…giving it a Gemini flavor as well. Love will be expressed in words, and will radiate the community they call home. Lucky are those of us who get to live in and/or visit that community and who get to feel and witness the reflected light of such a union.

I wish you joy, affection, passion, and tenderness my beautiful friends!


2 thoughts on “A Perfect Night to say, “I Do””

    1. I, of course, noticed Mercury Retrograde sitting right near the descendant in the 7th house, but I didn’t get a specific message about it for a while. After receiving your comment, and thinking about it, this is what came to mind: Moon in Aquarius in the 3rd house emphasizes communication of feelings. Mercury Retro in the 7th, in this case (and in my opinion), illustrates “refinement” and possibly the intention and patience that this requires.

      Speaking to convey a thought (3rd house) is relatively straight-forward; speaking as part of relating (7th house) is more of an art form.


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