Thoughts and Opinions

It’s all going Mainstream now

The [information] war has gone mainstream, but you still have to look to see it. For example, Justice Sotomayor recently made a claim regarding children and COVID. The CDC director, Dr. Fauci, and the Front Line Doctors all agreed that her statement was false (and significantly so). I cannot tell you how serious I think… Continue reading It’s all going Mainstream now


The Pluto Transit

Yesterday, I wrote about the Saturn Transit. Today, I will share my thoughts on the Pluto Transit. Throughout the past two years, I have been very aware of Pluto. There are a number of people in my life (family, friends, and clients) who are currently inside of a Pluto Transit. These that I know all… Continue reading The Pluto Transit

Alignment, Manifestation, Thoughts and Opinions


The Journey of the Fool is always from where you are to where you want to be. It is a yellow brick road. Whether you’re wanting to get to Oz or Kansas, it’ll take you there. Even the Wicked Witch of the West went to Heaven. Dorthy doused her with water. She screamed, “I’m melting!”… Continue reading Oz

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology


The Journey of the Fool is from where you are to where you want to be. In both of my books: Journey to the Temple of Ra and Scribe to the Pantheon of Rome, the above is explored in detail from many angles. In Ra, John’s journey is highlighted. In Scribe, John’s journey continues, but… Continue reading —ing…

Astrology, Thoughts and Opinions

Us versus Them

Today is 11/22. By some measures, it is the most interesting day of the year. For one, it is a double master number. For two, it is the transition from the most internally intense sign to the most externally expansive sign. In one view, it is when we get flipped inside out. It is where… Continue reading Us versus Them

Astrology, Books, Tarot & Numerology

Pluto Rising

The last Pluto-Uranus square occurs in eight days. After that, it’s over. The next square between these two won’t happen until 2073. Aspects like this mark eras. It may take some time before we fully understand this one. We now, however, have an understanding of what the Pluto-Uranus conjunction in the 60s brought. The last exact… Continue reading Pluto Rising


Light and Shadow

We all know that light is real. We can see it. We can feel it. We can create devices that measure it. We can create devices that emit it. We can even slice matter with it. When light is blocked, a shadow appears. We can see a shadow, but is it actually real? In one… Continue reading Light and Shadow

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

Mists of Avalon

Do you remember, as kids, making houses out of cards? It was fun to see how elaborate a structure you could build before the whole deck crumbled in on itself. It took a steady hand and some nifty tricks to construct a four-story house of cards. For a minute or two, I want to bring… Continue reading Mists of Avalon

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

Murky Waters

October is such an interesting month. The first days can feel very much like lingering summer. Back in the old days, when I lived in New England, mid-October was decidedly autumn with leaves changing colors and falling to the ground. And in recent years, late October has looked an awful lot like mid-winter in some… Continue reading Murky Waters