
The Great Conjunction

For a few hours early this morning, we have four objects occupying the very first degree of a sign. The sun and Mercury are in the first degree of Capricorn (Happy Solstice!), and Jupiter and Saturn are in the first degree of Aquarius (Happy Great Conjunction!). Not long after Mercury moves into the 2nd degree… Continue reading The Great Conjunction

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

Our Second New Moon in Cancer

Eclipses hide the light, so you can see a shadow, then turn the light back on so you can heal the shadow. On July 4th, we experienced our third and final eclipse this season. One month earlier, on June 3rd, I shared the quote above in my article called June / July Eclipses. Think about… Continue reading Our Second New Moon in Cancer


Saturn in Aquarius

This morning, the moon made an exact conjunction with Saturn, which I caught a picture of: A number of words or phrases one might associate with Saturn are: responsibility, restriction, onus, work, structure, father, boss, and task-master. My favorite ways to think of Saturn are: manifestation and making real. Real is is reality. I… Continue reading Saturn in Aquarius


Start of a Great Year

A couple of days ago, I spent the day working on a friend’s ranch. We were installing an automatic door on her chicken coop. When I mentioned this to my sister, she laughed, picturing chickens walking up to a door like the ones at a store, which slide open in front of you and close… Continue reading Start of a Great Year


What do you believe?

Four days ago, Saturn at 7o 2’ Sagittarius made an exact square to Neptune at 7o 2’ Pisces. I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit and there is no shortage of information to ponder. A square butts two energies/archetypes/morphogenic fields against each other emphasizing the contrast between them. With Saturn and Neptune, this is… Continue reading What do you believe?


Retrograde and Return

Regarding people, Astrologers often study charts for those moments when a planet returns. The most (in)famous of these is the Saturn Return. With events, we can also study return charts that occur due to retrograde motion. The following is an example. On January 12, 2015 at approximate 10:30 am, I was involved in an accident on… Continue reading Retrograde and Return


Holding Back the Sea

Once each year, the Earth passes directly between the two most gravitational bodies in our solar system: the sun and Jupiter. This happens today just past high noon Central Standard Time. Given the time of the occurrence, the opposition between these massive bodies occurs along the vertical axis of the chart. In my opinion, the… Continue reading Holding Back the Sea


Pisces Full Moon

Pisces is the sign of compassionate love, and the Pisces Full Moon chart has that theme written all over it. Here in La Mesa, CA, the moon rises just minutes after being exactly full. It’s less than 30 degrees from perigee, so the moon will appear larger than average. Look for the rising full moon… Continue reading Pisces Full Moon


Mercury in 2013: The Whole Story

Back in February, I mapped out the relationship between the 2013 Mercury retrograde periods and the movements of Saturn. In two days, Mercury’s last retrograde of 2013 will come to an end when he stations direct. Of course, it will take until 11/27/13 for Mercury to finish his last sweep over previously trodden territory before… Continue reading Mercury in 2013: The Whole Story