Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

A Question about Asking

In response to the tail end of my previous blog post, a client asked me the following questions. What do you mean by ask the universe first? I often hear that but what does it really mean in terms of action? Do I speak to myself? Or what? This is an excellent question and worth… Continue reading A Question about Asking

Poetic Wisdom

Words are Words. Arrows are Arrows.

Even if others fling words at you as if they were arrows, it is best to not receive them that way. Arrows are weapons. They are used for hunting and were used for battle. They are designed to penetrate and harm...or kill. Words are simply building blocks for communication. We roughly convey thought through them… Continue reading Words are Words. Arrows are Arrows.

Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology, Thoughts and Opinions

Seventy Percent

7 of Swords In both of my last two client readings, and one for myself, the 7 of Swords showed up. At the 7, we are typically reacting to something that was said or done. We feel as if we have been wronged in some way. Our reaction is likely to be hurt or anger...and… Continue reading Seventy Percent

Poetic Wisdom

Dark and Light

Everything of the light has the potential of darkness. Everything from the dark has the potential for light. Light is all there is. Darkness exists only when the light is blocked. The nighttime experienced by half of the earth is created by the earth itself, casting a shadow. Is a black pebble dark or light?… Continue reading Dark and Light

Poetic Wisdom

The Dog and the Bone

Deanne has a dog; her name is Joy. Deanne loves Joy with her whole heart. Joy loves Deanne just as much. Deanne knows that Joy loves chewing on bones. After some time, Deanne learns which bones are her favorite. Deanne makes sure to have those on hand often. One day, Deanne is inspired with an… Continue reading The Dog and the Bone

Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology, Thoughts and Opinions

The Hermits

Picture the scene. A wide valley sits within and is completely surrounded by tall mountains. During spring, when the air is often clean and clear, and when the sunny days outnumber the rest, the valley is lush and green. Those who live in this valley love that time of year. Yes, the sun doesn’t rise… Continue reading The Hermits

inspiration, Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology


We are now in the month of August (by one calendar) and 11 days (degrees) into Leo (via another). This month feels vastly different to me than those before it. I am feeling optimism, excitement, anticipation, and appreciation so much more. And I am also feeling inspired. Yesterday, I happened upon this quote by Nelson… Continue reading Courageous

Experience, inspiration, Poetic Wisdom

A True Texas Storm

On the last afternoon of July, a true Texas storm rolled through Austin. When I first noticed its approach, my house sat along the edge. To the south, I saw nothing but bright sunshine and blue skies. To the north, I saw no blue whatsoever. Above my home, clouds filled the sky. Along the northern… Continue reading A True Texas Storm

Two of Pentacles
Experience, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

Riding the Wave

More than 10 years ago, I did a reading for a woman who was an avid meditator. Through her practice she was even able to fall into a state of supreme connection and oneness that lasted days. Despite thinking that getting a reading would be mind-candy and something she was not interested in, she felt… Continue reading Riding the Wave