Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

A Question about Asking

In response to the tail end of my previous blog post, a client asked me the following questions. What do you mean by ask the universe first? I often hear that but what does it really mean in terms of action? Do I speak to myself? Or what? This is an excellent question and worth… Continue reading A Question about Asking

Channeled Message, Manifestation

Moving Forward

[The following is based on a channeled message I brought through for myself this morning. If it resonates with you, it is for you too!] We don’t want to tell you what will happen, because by front loading your thoughts, you might focus in that direction, thus increasing the probability of that particular occurrence. Instead,… Continue reading Moving Forward

Astrology, inspiration, intuition, Manifestation, Projects, Tarot & Numerology

Actual vs Potential

In my previous article (Tendency), I introduced the idea that an Astrological Birth Chart can describe one’s tendency to flow (express or project) energy (thoughts, feelings, actions, and resources) in a particular way. The Natal Chart is the starting point. By also reviewing the progressed charts, we can see how that tendency might trend over… Continue reading Actual vs Potential

Experience, Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology


The Star Tarot - Cathy McClelland The 5 of Wands requires participation. The point of the physical realm is action and interaction: choice...choosing. Wanting and desiring are great, but you must be willing to journey. The 5 of Wands in the past shows that you have been willing. You are willing to step forward even… Continue reading Willingness


Saturn in Aquarius

This morning, the moon made an exact conjunction with Saturn, which I caught a picture of: A number of words or phrases one might associate with Saturn are: responsibility, restriction, onus, work, structure, father, boss, and task-master. My favorite ways to think of Saturn are: manifestation and making real. Real is is reality. I… Continue reading Saturn in Aquarius

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

You can be, do, or have…Anything

Contrast inspires expansion. It is how all things are created. I share these blog posts on my professional Instagram page. In response to the last one (How do I get what I want with or from someone else?) I received this comment: "You can't. You can only align yourself. When you start to add other… Continue reading You can be, do, or have…Anything

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation


[Updated July 2021. Essay on Tarot: I The Magician] The Magician is the first (spiritual) teacher we encounter in the Tarot. In a sense, any goal can be achieved by starting with him. He represents knowledge and know-how. He breaks the journey down into a number of steps so that we can take the first… Continue reading Intention

Alignment, Channeled Message, Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

Divine Timing

We’ve often heard it said: Timing is everything. Did you know that timing is a manifestation? Timing is luck. Luck is timing. And both are the result of alignment. You create your own timing! Better said, your Inner Being creates divine timing...always. When you’re connected (with your Inner Being), you have access to it. You… Continue reading Divine Timing

Alignment, Astrology, Horoscope, Law of Attraction

I don’t want to not go

In four days, on March 5th, Mercury will station retrograde. Astrologers tend to consider the whole retrograde span (forward, backward, and forward again) when discussing a Mercury Retrograde cycle. The Data, for those who like the details. Mercury stations retrograde at 29 Pisces 38. It next stations direct at 16 Pisces 6. The full cycle… Continue reading I don’t want to not go

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Thoughts and Opinions

Bad Math

A belief is a thought you keep thinking. A disbelief is a thought you keep thinking that is contrary to another thought. Limiting beliefs are somewhere in between. You think something is possible, you simply believe it is difficult or requires something specific in order to occur. Here and now, each of us has desires… Continue reading Bad Math