Astrology, inspiration, intuition, Manifestation, Projects, Tarot & Numerology

Actual vs Potential

In my previous article (Tendency), I introduced the idea that an Astrological Birth Chart can describe one’s tendency to flow (express or project) energy (thoughts, feelings, actions, and resources) in a particular way. The Natal Chart is the starting point. By also reviewing the progressed charts, we can see how that tendency might trend over… Continue reading Actual vs Potential

Experience, inspiration, Law of Attraction

The Appreciation Game

Over the years, I have intermittently discussed the benefit of focused appreciation. My discipline has ebbed and flowed. With intention, I stepped back into it. I think it was 2018, when one friend of mine approached me with a proposition. She asked if I would be willing to partner with her. Each day, we would… Continue reading The Appreciation Game

inspiration, Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology


We are now in the month of August (by one calendar) and 11 days (degrees) into Leo (via another). This month feels vastly different to me than those before it. I am feeling optimism, excitement, anticipation, and appreciation so much more. And I am also feeling inspired. Yesterday, I happened upon this quote by Nelson… Continue reading Courageous

Experience, inspiration, Poetic Wisdom

A True Texas Storm

On the last afternoon of July, a true Texas storm rolled through Austin. When I first noticed its approach, my house sat along the edge. To the south, I saw nothing but bright sunshine and blue skies. To the north, I saw no blue whatsoever. Above my home, clouds filled the sky. Along the northern… Continue reading A True Texas Storm

Events, inspiration, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

Sharp Thought

In the Tarot, the suit of Swords represents the element air and thus symbolizes thought. In a reading I did for myself this morning, a number of Swords cards appeared. The word ‘sharp’ is interesting. We use it to describe blades, but also intelligence. A sharp mind is an effective tool, but sharp tools can… Continue reading Sharp Thought

inspiration, Poetic Wisdom

What to Do about Envy

Envy is uncomfortable. It is bad enough envying a complete stranger, who appears to have the very thing you desire; it is much worse when you find yourself envious of a loved one, who just experienced a win-fall. You’re happy for them. You want for them everything they desire. You even helped them get there… Continue reading What to Do about Envy