Astrology, inspiration, intuition, Manifestation, Projects, Tarot & Numerology

Actual vs Potential

In my previous article (Tendency), I introduced the idea that an Astrological Birth Chart can describe one’s tendency to flow (express or project) energy (thoughts, feelings, actions, and resources) in a particular way. The Natal Chart is the starting point. By also reviewing the progressed charts, we can see how that tendency might trend over… Continue reading Actual vs Potential

Thoughts and Opinions

3D, 4D, and 5D

Many within the metaphysical community believe that the earth is in the process of moving from 3D to 5D. It is passing through 4D en route. A week or so ago, I found myself discussing this with a friend and what came through had a clarity that was beyond my understanding at the time. The… Continue reading 3D, 4D, and 5D

inspiration, Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology


We are now in the month of August (by one calendar) and 11 days (degrees) into Leo (via another). This month feels vastly different to me than those before it. I am feeling optimism, excitement, anticipation, and appreciation so much more. And I am also feeling inspired. Yesterday, I happened upon this quote by Nelson… Continue reading Courageous

Alignment, Astrology

The Inner Brat

Have you ever noticed how easily children fall into states of utter selfishness and brattiness? “This is mine and you can’t have it.” “No, I don’t want to do that.” “Let me do it!” “I want ice cream and I want it now!” I have to confess, I’ve had my bratty moments too! “How do… Continue reading The Inner Brat

Astrology, Horoscope

Horoscope: Leo Sun / Leo Rising

Something is happening. I feel it and evidence abounds. As you may have noticed, I am, at least for now, posting almost daily and all about Astrology. The last time I did this and felt this way was back in 2013. In fact, that year was the peak in my blogging. I was writing and… Continue reading Horoscope: Leo Sun / Leo Rising

Alignment, Astrology, Law of Attraction

Abraham vs. Astrology

Yesterday, a good friend, client, and reader of my blog emailed me the following question: How do planets work along with the Abraham teachings? She had happened upon an article written about the New Moon in Capricorn, which occurred on 1/16/2018 and coincided with a 6-planet stellium in Capricorn. For the most part, the article… Continue reading Abraham vs. Astrology

Channeled Message, Poetic Wisdom

A Slinky Descending

I woke this morning earlier than anyone should on January 1st. But I’m not complaining. Yesterday, I got to do much of what I love. I started the day writing. I watched some football. I cooked one of my favorite meals. I got to see some fireworks from my window and it even snowed for… Continue reading A Slinky Descending

Astrology, Thoughts and Opinions

You need only…

On December 14, 2014, we have three simultaneous astrological alignments: the penultimate exact square between Uranus and Pluto, an exact trine between sun and (retrograde) Jupiter, and an exact square between sun and moon (third quarter moon, in other words). We’ve already been seeing plenty of world events imbued with the energy of this latest… Continue reading You need only…


Life Review

In an Akashic reading that I did last week, a woman excitedly asked to know about a previous life. Typically, one comes up that is pertinent to a current life situation. The life I saw of hers followed that pattern. However, what came through clearest were not so much the details of the life itself,… Continue reading Life Review

Astrology, Poetic Wisdom


Through chemistry, we learn that the molecules in a liquid and gas bump up against each other. When heat is added, the movement increases, and so does the frequency of contact. In human life, it works the same. Cram a lot of bodies into a room, and chances are you won’t be able to stretch… Continue reading Chemistry