Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

Sovereignty & Responsibility

Sovereignty requires responsibility and responsibility demands sovereignty. Sovereignty is taking ownership of one’s life, one’s body, one’s thoughts, and one’s decisions. Beliefs are thoughts held more rigidly, and thus you take ownership of them too. Making decisions can be onerous, especially if you have been psychologically harmed in the past. Collectivism is the opposite of… Continue reading Sovereignty & Responsibility

Alignment, Astrology, Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Uncategorized

Mercury and Jupiter

Early on May 10th, Mercury stationed Retrograde in Gemini, one of the two signs it rules. Later that day, Jupiter made its first ingress into Aries Mercury and Jupiter have an interesting connection. Each rules the opposite sign of the other and in both cases: Mercury ruling Gemini while Jupiter rules Sagittarius; Mercury ruling Virgo… Continue reading Mercury and Jupiter

Experience, inspiration, Law of Attraction

The Appreciation Game

Over the years, I have intermittently discussed the benefit of focused appreciation. My discipline has ebbed and flowed. With intention, I stepped back into it. I think it was 2018, when one friend of mine approached me with a proposition. She asked if I would be willing to partner with her. Each day, we would… Continue reading The Appreciation Game

Alignment, Astrology, Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom

Happiness is…

Happiness is a thinking game. You feel happiness as an emotion, but you get to happiness through your thoughts. Wealth, to the outside world, is an adjective. It is objective. You can measure the amount of money a person has. You can count the cash, tally up the assets, analyze the value. You can create… Continue reading Happiness is…

Alignment, Astrology, Law of Attraction, Poetic Wisdom

What Must I Do?

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? What do you do when a situation around you isn’t right, but it is out of your hands? What do you do when you can’t change the other person or people and you need his, her, or their help? What do you do when… Continue reading What Must I Do?

Alignment, Channeled Message, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology

This Much is True

[Updated July 2021. Essay on Tarot: XIX The Sun] In Astrology, the sun represents our personality. It is how we, generally speaking, shine our light on a daily basis. In the Tarot, cards XIX - The Sun is more or less the opposite. The operative word for this card is basking...as in basking in the… Continue reading This Much is True

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

You can be, do, or have…Anything

Contrast inspires expansion. It is how all things are created. I share these blog posts on my professional Instagram page. In response to the last one (How do I get what I want with or from someone else?) I received this comment: "You can't. You can only align yourself. When you start to add other… Continue reading You can be, do, or have…Anything

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

How do I get what I want with or from someone else?

As soon as there is another person involved, many of us consider manifestations more difficult to achieve. “I can line up with what I desire,” you might say, “but how do I get my husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/boss to see it the same way or comply?” The Journey of the Fool is from where you are to where… Continue reading How do I get what I want with or from someone else?