
Aries-Libra Nodal Opposition

Over the years, I have written about the lunar nodes repeatedly, which are also known as the Nodes of Fate. In the past, I have described them as An Orienting Force. For the rest of 2024, the north node will slowly move (backward) through Aries while the south node moves through Libra. The nodes always opposed.… Continue reading Aries-Libra Nodal Opposition

Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

Sovereignty & Responsibility

Sovereignty requires responsibility and responsibility demands sovereignty. Sovereignty is taking ownership of one’s life, one’s body, one’s thoughts, and one’s decisions. Beliefs are thoughts held more rigidly, and thus you take ownership of them too. Making decisions can be onerous, especially if you have been psychologically harmed in the past. Collectivism is the opposite of… Continue reading Sovereignty & Responsibility

Books, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology

Hold My Beer

Mark Twain once said: “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” Having lived there for ten years, I know where he’s coming from. And now I live in Austin, Texas, where one might say: “The most pleasant summer I’ve ever spent was a winter in Austin, Texas.” Yesterday, the high… Continue reading Hold My Beer

Astrology, Thoughts and Opinions

What is Fair?

What is fair? Is it black and white? Does it boil down to simply this: one of us is right and the other is wrong? Is it all or nothing—fight to the death—winner takes all? Is that what fair looks like? Is it survival of the fittest—the early bird always getting the worm? If I… Continue reading What is Fair?

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

The Water Bearer Arrives

Early this morning (CST), the sun crossed over the cusp from Capricorn to Aquarius—from an earth sign that is very active, to an air sign that seeks stability. Within the same timeframe, the moon crossed the same cusp and conjoined the sun initiating a new lunar month. In less than 24 hours from now, Mercury,… Continue reading The Water Bearer Arrives

Astrology, Sacred Geometry, Tarot & Numerology


Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to get things balanced? That’s how I feel right now. My life feels unbalanced. Just this morning, I was doing a load of laundry - towels. After the cycle completed, the towels were still soaked. I have a very old washer here and when the load… Continue reading Balance

Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology


[Post updated on 7/19/2021.] The Justice card pictured here is about the exactness of Manifestation.  It is also about Karma.  More times than not, it feels intimidating – to me anyway.  I guess it’s all of those years in Catholic school and the threat of having to pay for my sins, which by Catholic definition… Continue reading Justice