Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

Sovereignty & Responsibility

Sovereignty requires responsibility and responsibility demands sovereignty. Sovereignty is taking ownership of one’s life, one’s body, one’s thoughts, and one’s decisions. Beliefs are thoughts held more rigidly, and thus you take ownership of them too. Making decisions can be onerous, especially if you have been psychologically harmed in the past. Collectivism is the opposite of… Continue reading Sovereignty & Responsibility

Alignment, Astrology, Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Uncategorized

Mercury and Jupiter

Early on May 10th, Mercury stationed Retrograde in Gemini, one of the two signs it rules. Later that day, Jupiter made its first ingress into Aries Mercury and Jupiter have an interesting connection. Each rules the opposite sign of the other and in both cases: Mercury ruling Gemini while Jupiter rules Sagittarius; Mercury ruling Virgo… Continue reading Mercury and Jupiter

Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

A Question about Asking

In response to the tail end of my previous blog post, a client asked me the following questions. What do you mean by ask the universe first? I often hear that but what does it really mean in terms of action? Do I speak to myself? Or what? This is an excellent question and worth… Continue reading A Question about Asking

Channeled Message, Manifestation

Moving Forward

[The following is based on a channeled message I brought through for myself this morning. If it resonates with you, it is for you too!] We don’t want to tell you what will happen, because by front loading your thoughts, you might focus in that direction, thus increasing the probability of that particular occurrence. Instead,… Continue reading Moving Forward

Astrology, inspiration, intuition, Manifestation, Projects, Tarot & Numerology

Actual vs Potential

In my previous article (Tendency), I introduced the idea that an Astrological Birth Chart can describe one’s tendency to flow (express or project) energy (thoughts, feelings, actions, and resources) in a particular way. The Natal Chart is the starting point. By also reviewing the progressed charts, we can see how that tendency might trend over… Continue reading Actual vs Potential

Experience, Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology


The Star Tarot - Cathy McClelland The 5 of Wands requires participation. The point of the physical realm is action and interaction: choice...choosing. Wanting and desiring are great, but you must be willing to journey. The 5 of Wands in the past shows that you have been willing. You are willing to step forward even… Continue reading Willingness

Experience, Manifestation

Putting the Puzzle Together

I spent New Year’s weekend out in the country with many of my best friends in Texas. That house is my home away from home. Those people are the family I wasn’t born with. Every weekend out there is a celebration, whether there is a reason to celebrate or not. At one point, a puzzle… Continue reading Putting the Puzzle Together

Events, inspiration, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

Sharp Thought

In the Tarot, the suit of Swords represents the element air and thus symbolizes thought. In a reading I did for myself this morning, a number of Swords cards appeared. The word ‘sharp’ is interesting. We use it to describe blades, but also intelligence. A sharp mind is an effective tool, but sharp tools can… Continue reading Sharp Thought