Astrology, Channeled Message, Thoughts and Opinions

Who’s your Daddy?

[Pictured above is the Leo full moon, taken the evening of January 28, 2021.] A month or two ago, I was deep into a conversation with a friend and client. When I get in the zone like this, I find myself conveying ideas that are new to me. It is a form of channeling. In… Continue reading Who’s your Daddy?


The Great Conjunction

For a few hours early this morning, we have four objects occupying the very first degree of a sign. The sun and Mercury are in the first degree of Capricorn (Happy Solstice!), and Jupiter and Saturn are in the first degree of Aquarius (Happy Great Conjunction!). Not long after Mercury moves into the 2nd degree… Continue reading The Great Conjunction

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

Our Second New Moon in Cancer

Eclipses hide the light, so you can see a shadow, then turn the light back on so you can heal the shadow. On July 4th, we experienced our third and final eclipse this season. One month earlier, on June 3rd, I shared the quote above in my article called June / July Eclipses. Think about… Continue reading Our Second New Moon in Cancer

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology, Thoughts and Opinions

Third Quarter Moon and other Musings

Today’s post contains myriad thoughts I felt like sharing. Astrology This week, the luminaries are synchronized in an interesting way. The moon is visibly moving through the lineup of planets in Capricorn and Aquarius. Early this morning, I captured this image. Pluto is there too, but we cannot see it. From right to left, we… Continue reading Third Quarter Moon and other Musings

Events, inspiration, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

Sharp Thought

In the Tarot, the suit of Swords represents the element air and thus symbolizes thought. In a reading I did for myself this morning, a number of Swords cards appeared. The word ‘sharp’ is interesting. We use it to describe blades, but also intelligence. A sharp mind is an effective tool, but sharp tools can… Continue reading Sharp Thought


The Old Feels Bigger than the New

Tomorrow, January 8, 2020, Jupiter conjuncts the South Node of the Moon. The old feels bigger than the new. The past feel better and brighter than the future. It could feel like we're going in the wrong direction. The South Node is akin to the September Equinox. On or around September 22nd, the sun crosses… Continue reading The Old Feels Bigger than the New


Start of a Great Year

A couple of days ago, I spent the day working on a friend’s ranch. We were installing an automatic door on her chicken coop. When I mentioned this to my sister, she laughed, picturing chickens walking up to a door like the ones at a store, which slide open in front of you and close… Continue reading Start of a Great Year

Astrology, Thoughts and Opinions

Feel Your Way There

[This post has links to a number of interesting sites. Be sure to check them out!] As a Gemini, which is an air sign, I have often sought understanding as a means to feel better. When my emotions are down, I question why. I ask myself what is bothering me and why it bothers me.… Continue reading Feel Your Way There


The Grand Sextile

The Grand Sextile has begun. At this early hour (7:00 am CDT), the moon is still earlier than the earliest degree of the other planets in the configuration. Because the six points of the Grand Sextile range from 4 degrees and change to 13 degrees (depending on which planets you include), it is hard to… Continue reading The Grand Sextile

Astrology, Events, Thoughts and Opinions


In the news, there’s been a lot of talk about the Nation Security Agency, secrecy, and privacy. After listening to this past week’s PlanetWavesFM show (click hear to listen), I started thinking about all of this just bit more than normal. The Wheel of Fortune goes round and round. So does The World. If you… Continue reading Security