

After I took this photo, I was inspired to write about it. The contrast really stands out. The blue of the sky, which only subtly fades a bit to the lower right, starkly contrasts the lower half of the photo. It is light, while most of the rest of the picture is darker. It’s texture… Continue reading Contrast

Astrology, Thoughts and Opinions

Feel Your Way There

[This post has links to a number of interesting sites. Be sure to check them out!] As a Gemini, which is an air sign, I have often sought understanding as a means to feel better. When my emotions are down, I question why. I ask myself what is bothering me and why it bothers me.… Continue reading Feel Your Way There


The Churning Seas

The planets don’t move much in a day, but today’s chart looks very different than yesterday’s. [I didn’t catch the moon exactly opposite Uranus as shown in the chart below, but I was only a few minutes off.] Notice that the Libra moon now forms a warped Grand Cross with Venus, Pluto, and Uranus. The… Continue reading The Churning Seas



I found this picture via spaceweather.com. (Click on it to go there.) It is pretty much the same scene that I saw. Last night was the first clear night in Austin since the 26th when Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter formed a triangle. They are now, quite literally, aligned (in a line), well visually anyway. Mercury… Continue reading Alignment

Astrology, Poetic Wisdom

A Fish out of Water

Let’s say you could have a telepathic conversation with a fish. What might that be like? You: Hey fish! How’s the water today? Fish: Water? What water? You: The water you’re swimming in. Fish: I’m not swimming in water. You’re the one that’s swimming - in that ether stuff. You: Don’t be silly fish. I… Continue reading A Fish out of Water