Alignment, Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

Turn Seeking into Cultivating

Seek: To go in search of; to look for something that is missing; to try and find, discover, or obtain something. Cultivate: To promote or foster the growth or development of; to develop or improve; to enrich a situation by giving special attention to it. If we equate seeking to a journey, it starts with… Continue reading Turn Seeking into Cultivating

Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Uncategorized

A Successful Manifestation Story

Every now and again, we all need to hear about a success story. First and foremost, I am writing this post for me. The process of sitting down and conveying the details of a successful manifestation story (of mine) is to remind myself that it can work, that it does work, and that is can… Continue reading A Successful Manifestation Story

Law of Attraction, Manifestation

Force Field

In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the planet Scarif was protected by an electromagnet shield. A heavily guarded portal or shield gate was opened or closed as needed. We’ve seen similar shields in Science Fiction for a long time. Even the earliest Star Trek Enterprises had them. We’ve also seen smaller applications of force… Continue reading Force Field

Alignment, Experience, Law of Attraction

Feeling Alignment

Alignment, if you haven't noticed, is my new favorite subject of focus. The thing is, the pursuit of alignment can be confusing. What exactly is it? How best can one get there? You may find yourselves asking, "Am I there yet? What about now?" Alignment is experiential. It is akin to an orgasm; if you're… Continue reading Feeling Alignment

Alignment, Astrology, Law of Attraction, Manifestation


With Venus moving backward in the evening sky, I’ve had all that she stands for on my mind. This is my third attempt at writing something for the occasion. This time, I feel emotionally inspired, rather than intellectually inspired. One quality...category...subject...or context that is Astrologically associated with Venus is Value. Venus rules Taurus and rules… Continue reading Value

Alignment, Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology

The Right S/Pace

If you happen to be at all like me, you tend to operate at two speeds: idle and overdrive. When I was younger, I could run in 5th gear for quite a while. It was a fun, adrenaline rush. I balanced my intense periods of work with frequent walks on the beach and multiple vacations… Continue reading The Right S/Pace

Alignment, Events, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom

Love Vs Hate

During this harsh election season, a particular slogan rang so clearly, it is still resonating with me: Love Trumps Hate Love does trump hate. If love and hate ran for office, love wins every time. Even on planet Earth, there would be no competition because love doesn’t need a majority vote to win. Abraham gave… Continue reading Love Vs Hate

Thoughts and Opinions


In response to my last post, a reader sent me an email. She shared that she has the same struggle I described and then asked: “How do you conjure desired feelings at will?” That is precisely the question. When we figure that out, we are set. While I don’t have a complete answer to this,… Continue reading Conjure

Astrology, Thoughts and Opinions

Feel Your Way There

[This post has links to a number of interesting sites. Be sure to check them out!] As a Gemini, which is an air sign, I have often sought understanding as a means to feel better. When my emotions are down, I question why. I ask myself what is bothering me and why it bothers me.… Continue reading Feel Your Way There

Thoughts and Opinions

Focus (the Written Version)

I went back and reviewed the written version of my previous post and it's not bad. I decided to share it as well for those who cannot watch my video [Focus], or who want to refer back to the details and reread specific parts. --- I first discovered Abraham-Hicks about ten years ago. Esther Hicks is an amazing… Continue reading Focus (the Written Version)