Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology, Thoughts and Opinions

Seventy Percent

7 of Swords In both of my last two client readings, and one for myself, the 7 of Swords showed up. At the 7, we are typically reacting to something that was said or done. We feel as if we have been wronged in some way. Our reaction is likely to be hurt or anger...and… Continue reading Seventy Percent

inspiration, Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology


We are now in the month of August (by one calendar) and 11 days (degrees) into Leo (via another). This month feels vastly different to me than those before it. I am feeling optimism, excitement, anticipation, and appreciation so much more. And I am also feeling inspired. Yesterday, I happened upon this quote by Nelson… Continue reading Courageous

Astrology, Experience, Thoughts and Opinions, transit

June / July Eclipses

“Eclipses hide the light, so you can see a shadow, then turn the light back on so you can heal the shadow.” I wrote that quote a couple of years ago and placed it inside what could eventually become my third novel...if I get inspired to complete it. That quote feels oh so real right… Continue reading June / July Eclipses

Two of Pentacles
Experience, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

Riding the Wave

More than 10 years ago, I did a reading for a woman who was an avid meditator. Through her practice she was even able to fall into a state of supreme connection and oneness that lasted days. Despite thinking that getting a reading would be mind-candy and something she was not interested in, she felt… Continue reading Riding the Wave

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

How do I get what I want with or from someone else?

As soon as there is another person involved, many of us consider manifestations more difficult to achieve. “I can line up with what I desire,” you might say, “but how do I get my husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/boss to see it the same way or comply?” The Journey of the Fool is from where you are to where… Continue reading How do I get what I want with or from someone else?


Solstice Alignments

In my previous post, I wrote about the Astrology brewing for the summer: the big stuff (as in the background vibrations created by the Gas Giants) and the poignant stuff (the eclipses). This post is about things closer to home (the inner planets) and closer to now (Solstice and the next few days). Today is… Continue reading Solstice Alignments

Alignment, Channeled Message, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom

Ask only Me

In 2016, the asking has been strong. Many people want a better life and want to live in a country they feel better about. Be it about economics or peace, opportunity or acceptance, many have been asking, asking, asking...and the majority of those asking, have been asking politically. And many are still asking...and demanding. They… Continue reading Ask only Me

Alignment, Events, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom

Love Vs Hate

During this harsh election season, a particular slogan rang so clearly, it is still resonating with me: Love Trumps Hate Love does trump hate. If love and hate ran for office, love wins every time. Even on planet Earth, there would be no competition because love doesn’t need a majority vote to win. Abraham gave… Continue reading Love Vs Hate

Astrology, Law of Attraction

Freedom and Safety

The New Moon in Gemini occurred on June 4 at 10 pm CDT. This nearly coincided with the opposition of Saturn (Sun opposite Saturn). The New Moon chart shows even more. In fact a grand mutable cross occurred at that time [http://planetwatcher.com/#1465095600]: In my opinion, the New Moon sets the stage for the lunar month… Continue reading Freedom and Safety


Seeing Red Light

  On Jeopardy, some phrases are categorized as before and after. The title of today’s blog can be seen that way: “seeing red,” and “red light.” Within the next 24 hours, the two red planets will both station retrograde. When Mars and Pluto aspect, it is common for one who has been a bit angry to then… Continue reading Seeing Red Light