Experience, inspiration, Law of Attraction

The Appreciation Game

Over the years, I have intermittently discussed the benefit of focused appreciation. My discipline has ebbed and flowed. With intention, I stepped back into it. I think it was 2018, when one friend of mine approached me with a proposition. She asked if I would be willing to partner with her. Each day, we would… Continue reading The Appreciation Game

Alignment, Channeled Message, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology

This Much is True

[Updated July 2021. Essay on Tarot: XIX The Sun] In Astrology, the sun represents our personality. It is how we, generally speaking, shine our light on a daily basis. In the Tarot, cards XIX - The Sun is more or less the opposite. The operative word for this card is basking...as in basking in the… Continue reading This Much is True

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

How do I get what I want with or from someone else?

As soon as there is another person involved, many of us consider manifestations more difficult to achieve. “I can line up with what I desire,” you might say, “but how do I get my husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/boss to see it the same way or comply?” The Journey of the Fool is from where you are to where… Continue reading How do I get what I want with or from someone else?

Alignment, Experience, Poetic Wisdom

Love versus Appreciation

What’s the difference between appreciation and love? Is one more valuable or more powerful than the other? There is clearly a difference between the two. Imagine for a moment walking into your favorite coffee shop. Upon receiving your delicious caffè latte, you say to the barista you’ve never met before, “I love you!” Yeah, not… Continue reading Love versus Appreciation

Alignment, Channeled Message, Law of Attraction, Poetic Wisdom

Bring Me Joy

You don’t bring me joy. You don’t give me joy. I don’t give you (or anyone else) joy either. Joy is not like paint. It is not a thing. I can’t bring a gallon to you and tattoo you in the color of joy so that you can walk around with joy forever more. If… Continue reading Bring Me Joy

Alignment, Astrology, Law of Attraction, Manifestation


With Venus moving backward in the evening sky, I’ve had all that she stands for on my mind. This is my third attempt at writing something for the occasion. This time, I feel emotionally inspired, rather than intellectually inspired. One quality...category...subject...or context that is Astrologically associated with Venus is Value. Venus rules Taurus and rules… Continue reading Value


A Moment of Appreciation

In Texas, the summers are formidable...however the winters contain all four seasons that dance around each other. Today is what most would think of as an April moment. It is 7:40 am. If the sun is up, one wouldn’t know. It is 68 degrees and raining. My apartment has an office nook. These days, my… Continue reading A Moment of Appreciation

Astrology, Horoscope, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Numerology

Happy 2017!

It’s been a while since I did an Astrological update, but that’s where the inspiration is taking me today…so here we go. Early, early this morning (East Coast time), the moon passed by the sun. This is the New Moon in Capricorn—the first of Winter (or Summer, down under). From the lunar calendar perspective, this… Continue reading Happy 2017!

Channeled Message, Experience, Thoughts and Opinions

Fulfillment of Desire

Valentine’s afternoon here in Austin was beautiful. The temperature was in that ideal range—mid to high 70s. Many on the boardwalk were walking for enjoyment rather than exercise. They were meandering, some holding hands, some simply enjoying the companionship of a friend or family member or their pet. It was an easy day to be in alignment… Continue reading Fulfillment of Desire