Astrology, Experience, Thoughts and Opinions, transit

June / July Eclipses

“Eclipses hide the light, so you can see a shadow, then turn the light back on so you can heal the shadow.” I wrote that quote a couple of years ago and placed it inside what could eventually become my third novel...if I get inspired to complete it. That quote feels oh so real right… Continue reading June / July Eclipses

Alignment, Channeled Message, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology

This Much is True

[Updated July 2021. Essay on Tarot: XIX The Sun] In Astrology, the sun represents our personality. It is how we, generally speaking, shine our light on a daily basis. In the Tarot, cards XIX - The Sun is more or less the opposite. The operative word for this card is in basking in the… Continue reading This Much is True

Channeled Message, Law of Attraction, Poetic Wisdom


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Empowerment is in the eyes and ears. It is not what others say (or don’t say) that will bring you ease and joy. It is only your listening, your hearing, your seeing, and your focusing. It is only your aligning with your desires and your values that… Continue reading Beauty…Empowerment


Go Long!

The four planets that are easiest to see in the sky are Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. In the past month, Venus swept past Jupiter visible in the morning sky, and Mars crept past Saturn viewable in the evening sky. Right now, I am staying with friends in Southern California in a beautiful house with… Continue reading Go Long!

Tarot & Numerology

Emperor’s Chair

About five or six weeks ago, an interesting inclination struck. I had woken early that day and put in a number of hours of work by 11:00 am. I was ready for a break when it hit. From seemingly out of nowhere, I felt the strongest urge to go to a yoga class. Seven years… Continue reading Emperor’s Chair