Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

Our Second New Moon in Cancer

Eclipses hide the light, so you can see a shadow, then turn the light back on so you can heal the shadow. On July 4th, we experienced our third and final eclipse this season. One month earlier, on June 3rd, I shared the quote above in my article called June / July Eclipses. Think about… Continue reading Our Second New Moon in Cancer

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology, Thoughts and Opinions


I learned recently that the origin of the word decision is quite different than I would have expected. It is, however, elegant and enlightening and makes perfect sense. We all know that an incision is when something is cut into. Think of it this way: in (in or into) - cision (cut). Decision, when we… Continue reading Decision

Astrology, Experience, Thoughts and Opinions, transit

June / July Eclipses

“Eclipses hide the light, so you can see a shadow, then turn the light back on so you can heal the shadow.” I wrote that quote a couple of years ago and placed it inside what could eventually become my third novel...if I get inspired to complete it. That quote feels oh so real right… Continue reading June / July Eclipses

Alignment, Astrology, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

How is your Receiving?

Today marks the middle of December and one week before the Solstice. How is your receiving? Are you letting it in? Are you feeling it? This time of year is known as the time of giving. It is also the time of receiving. So how is your receiving? Do you feel worthy? Are you feeling… Continue reading How is your Receiving?

Alignment, Astrology, Horoscope

A Preeminent Gateway

Less than an hour before I began this post, Sydney, Australia crossed the boundary—the gateway between Saturday 2018.11.10 and Sunday 2018.11.11. Numerologically, 2018 is an 11 year (2+0+1+8=11). Sunday is thus an 11:11:11. Furthermore, in about eleven hours, it will be 2018/11/11 11:11:11 am in Sydney. That's a lot of elevens! Now take a look… Continue reading A Preeminent Gateway


Changes Are Upon Us

This chart fascinates me! First, we have something that is very odd. We have a Grand (Fixed) Cross, which is nearly exact, and entirely retrograde!!! Outer planets only retrograde when they are on the opposite side of the zodiac from the sun; inner planets only when they are near the sun. I do think the… Continue reading Changes Are Upon Us


A Retrograde Pattern in 2018

This coming weekend marks the midway point between when Mars Retrograde ended and when Venus Retrograde begins. I have noticed a theme here, which includes more than just Mars and Venus. Consider this chart from the morning of September 6th. The moon in Cancer was exactly opposite Mars in Capricorn. Venus, in Libra was applying… Continue reading A Retrograde Pattern in 2018

Alignment, Astrology, Books

Visionary Fiction Alliance

This coming Saturday, Venus completes her retrograde motion for this year. Her next retrograde will begin early October 2018 (in Scorpio). At 5:18 AM CDT on 4/14/2017, Venus will station direct conjunct Chiron at 26o Pisces and sextile Mars in Taurus. Sitting directly in between Venus and Mars are both the Sun and Uranus, which… Continue reading Visionary Fiction Alliance

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

Venus Retrograde in Pisces

One week ago, Venus overtook the Earth in what is called inferior conjunction. That marks the halfway point of Venus Retrograde; she is a morning star now as shown in this pre-sunrise picture. Tomorrow, Venus reenters the sign of Pisces, which she left about a month ago. Since March 9th, Venus has been receiving a… Continue reading Venus Retrograde in Pisces


Astrology Update: February 2017

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. From where I’m sitting, it seems the NFL championship has been taking a back seat to other battles of late. In my post called Happy 2017!, I mentioned a few bits of information I would like to revisit. At that time, Mercury was still retrograde. In the fourth paragraph, I… Continue reading Astrology Update: February 2017