Thoughts and Opinions, truth

A Tsunami of Regret

When a thrust earthquake strikes just below the sea floor, the water is significantly displaced. This creates a formidable wave, which travels across the oceans. When it comes ashore, a tsunami flows unabated and destroys or displaces nearly everything in its path. In days or weeks, we just might experience the same thing...metaphorically. The seafloor… Continue reading A Tsunami of Regret

Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology, Thoughts and Opinions

The Hermits

Picture the scene. A wide valley sits within and is completely surrounded by tall mountains. During spring, when the air is often clean and clear, and when the sunny days outnumber the rest, the valley is lush and green. Those who live in this valley love that time of year. Yes, the sun doesn’t rise… Continue reading The Hermits

inspiration, Poetic Wisdom, Tarot & Numerology


We are now in the month of August (by one calendar) and 11 days (degrees) into Leo (via another). This month feels vastly different to me than those before it. I am feeling optimism, excitement, anticipation, and appreciation so much more. And I am also feeling inspired. Yesterday, I happened upon this quote by Nelson… Continue reading Courageous

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

Our Second New Moon in Cancer

Eclipses hide the light, so you can see a shadow, then turn the light back on so you can heal the shadow. On July 4th, we experienced our third and final eclipse this season. One month earlier, on June 3rd, I shared the quote above in my article called June / July Eclipses. Think about… Continue reading Our Second New Moon in Cancer

Two of Pentacles
Experience, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

Riding the Wave

More than 10 years ago, I did a reading for a woman who was an avid meditator. Through her practice she was even able to fall into a state of supreme connection and oneness that lasted days. Despite thinking that getting a reading would be mind-candy and something she was not interested in, she felt… Continue reading Riding the Wave

Events, inspiration, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

Sharp Thought

In the Tarot, the suit of Swords represents the element air and thus symbolizes thought. In a reading I did for myself this morning, a number of Swords cards appeared. The word ‘sharp’ is interesting. We use it to describe blades, but also intelligence. A sharp mind is an effective tool, but sharp tools can… Continue reading Sharp Thought

Astrology, Poetic Wisdom, Thoughts and Opinions

An Eerie Harvest Mini-Moon

A few moments ago, I was sitting out on the roof of my apartment building. My intention was to bask in the glow of this intriguing Harvest Moon. News articles discuss how uncommon it is to have a Full Moon on a Friday the 13th. Other articles refer to this moon as a Micro-moon. I… Continue reading An Eerie Harvest Mini-Moon

Poetic Wisdom


One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and thus the world, is to separate who you are from what is happening around you. You can be the calm in the middle of chaos. You can be the full moon in the middle of the dark sky. You can be the daffodil pushing up… Continue reading Shine

Alignment, Astrology, Law of Attraction

Year of the Archer

Jupiter takes about twelve years to travel the full Zodiac. This means it spends about one year in each sign. If we wanted, we could create a Jovian Calendar based on this. With Jupiter just entering the sign of Sagittarius on November 8, 2018, we could call this the start of the Year of the… Continue reading Year of the Archer

Law of Attraction, Manifestation

Force Field

In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the planet Scarif was protected by an electromagnet shield. A heavily guarded portal or shield gate was opened or closed as needed. We’ve seen similar shields in Science Fiction for a long time. Even the earliest Star Trek Enterprises had them. We’ve also seen smaller applications of force… Continue reading Force Field