Alignment, Manifestation


I think all of the intense Astrological activity going on in Capricorn has me thinking about things in solid and practical terms. I was recently inspired to consider a slightly different approach to an old tradition. Many, after weeks of letting all forms of discipline lay to the way side during the holidays, motivate themselves… Continue reading Decide

Alignment, Channeled Message, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Tarot & Numerology

This Much is True

[Updated July 2021. Essay on Tarot: XIX The Sun] In Astrology, the sun represents our personality. It is how we, generally speaking, shine our light on a daily basis. In the Tarot, cards XIX - The Sun is more or less the opposite. The operative word for this card is in basking in the… Continue reading This Much is True

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

You can be, do, or have…Anything

Contrast inspires expansion. It is how all things are created. I share these blog posts on my professional Instagram page. In response to the last one (How do I get what I want with or from someone else?) I received this comment: "You can't. You can only align yourself. When you start to add other… Continue reading You can be, do, or have…Anything

Alignment, Law of Attraction, Manifestation


[Updated July 2021. Essay on Tarot: I The Magician] The Magician is the first (spiritual) teacher we encounter in the Tarot. In a sense, any goal can be achieved by starting with him. He represents knowledge and know-how. He breaks the journey down into a number of steps so that we can take the first… Continue reading Intention

Alignment, Experience, Poetic Wisdom

Love versus Appreciation

What’s the difference between appreciation and love? Is one more valuable or more powerful than the other? There is clearly a difference between the two. Imagine for a moment walking into your favorite coffee shop. Upon receiving your delicious caffè latte, you say to the barista you’ve never met before, “I love you!” Yeah, not… Continue reading Love versus Appreciation

Alignment, Astrology, Law of Attraction

Year of the Archer

Jupiter takes about twelve years to travel the full Zodiac. This means it spends about one year in each sign. If we wanted, we could create a Jovian Calendar based on this. With Jupiter just entering the sign of Sagittarius on November 8, 2018, we could call this the start of the Year of the… Continue reading Year of the Archer

Alignment, Law of Attraction


When I joined the Visionary Fiction Alliance, I was given the opportunity to write an article for their blog. I’ve been working on a two-part post, which is called The R/Evolution of the Wheel of Fortune. After the first (or both) parts publish on their blog (in June), I will publish the full article here… Continue reading Facilitate

Books, Manifestation, Thoughts and Opinions

Getting Beyond THE WALL

Do you remember as a kid having an experience similar to the following? You and your best friend are having fun at your home. Maybe you’re playing video games; maybe you’re watching TV. In any event, you’re goofing off, being silly, and having a great time. Then you break something...something that belongs to your dad… Continue reading Getting Beyond THE WALL

Alignment, Channeled Message, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Poetic Wisdom

Ask only Me

In 2016, the asking has been strong. Many people want a better life and want to live in a country they feel better about. Be it about economics or peace, opportunity or acceptance, many have been asking, asking, asking...and the majority of those asking, have been asking politically. And many are still asking...and demanding. They… Continue reading Ask only Me