Experience, Law of Attraction, Manifestation

Sovereignty & Responsibility

Sovereignty requires responsibility and responsibility demands sovereignty. Sovereignty is taking ownership of one’s life, one’s body, one’s thoughts, and one’s decisions. Beliefs are thoughts held more rigidly, and thus you take ownership of them too. Making decisions can be onerous, especially if you have been psychologically harmed in the past. Collectivism is the opposite of… Continue reading Sovereignty & Responsibility

Alignment, Astrology, transit

A Saturn Transit

On January 12, 2020, Saturn made an exact conjunction with Pluto. If one of them were transiting your Natal chart at that time, they both were. When this happens, it can be difficult to separate the Saturn transit from the Pluto Transit. On March 21st, Saturn entered the sign of Aquarius. This sign change now… Continue reading A Saturn Transit

Astrology, Tarot & Numerology

The Water Bearer Arrives

Early this morning (CST), the sun crossed over the cusp from Capricorn to Aquarius—from an earth sign that is very active, to an air sign that seeks stability. Within the same timeframe, the moon crossed the same cusp and conjoined the sun initiating a new lunar month. In less than 24 hours from now, Mercury,… Continue reading The Water Bearer Arrives


Saturn in the Spotlight

Early, early this morning, I woke feeling a bit of trepidation. After managing to regain sleep, I fell into a dream that stayed with me after I woke for good. In the dream, I was driving down a four or five-lane highway. At first, there was no one on the road. But then there was… Continue reading Saturn in the Spotlight

Astrology, Thoughts and Opinions

Bringing it all Together

As of yesterday, I wasn’t planning on writing an Astrology post today, but then I woke during the night with a strong need to set things right. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had failed in my task, and that it is now my duty to fix the mistake. I also feel I should… Continue reading Bringing it all Together


Need versus Desire – Saturn in Scorpio

There are many schools of thought out there, and the majority of them prescribe to the idea that needs must always precede wants. Ever since we were little boys and girls, we were always taught to first spend money on necessities and only when we have some left over to splurge on something fun. But… Continue reading Need versus Desire – Saturn in Scorpio


Love is Blind

The Astronomy/Astrology of 2012 is a gift that keeps on giving. This morning, I woke before dawn again and ventured out to observe one of the two alignments that are occurring simultaneously. This is what I saw: What I didn’t realize is the exactness of the pending conjunction. Today, at 3:52 CDT, the Moon will… Continue reading Love is Blind

Astrology, Events, Thoughts and Opinions

Magic Triangle

It is the month of August in the year 2012. Temps are warm or downright hot; the Olympics are in full swing; many are traveling in lands far from home. It’s summer time! Now the Olympics might be keeping you in at night, but if you have been out, have you noticed the big triangle… Continue reading Magic Triangle


Eighty-four it!

Do you remember back a number of years, when the restaurant term “Eighty-six” became popular in American vernacular?  People would go around saying things like, “It was a problem, until I 86’d it.” Well, right now, in the summer of 2010, we need to coin a new phrase: “Eighty-four it!” One of the great things… Continue reading Eighty-four it!